Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events selection

Organizing committee membership

M.-O. Berger was chair of the French conference on pattern recognition RFIA 2014.

Conference program committee membership
  • M.-O. Berger was member of the program committee of the following conferences: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2014, ICPR 2014, ISMAR 2014.

  • Erwan Kerrien was a member of the program committee of MICCAI 2014 and of the International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation (ISBMS'14).

  • G. Simon was a member of the program committee of ISMAR 2014 and Eurographics 2014.

  • P.-F. Villard was a member of the program committee of MICCAI 2014 and of the International Symposium on Biomedical Simulation (ISBMS'14).



The members of the team reviewed articles for Computers & Graphics (Elsevier), The Visual Computer (Springer), Medical Images Analysis (Elsevier), IEEE Transactions on Vizualisation and Computer Graphics, Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIAM), Journal of Electronic Imaging (IS&T / SPIE), Axioms (MDPI), Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (IEEE), Optics and Lasers in Engineering (Elsevier).

Invited Conferences

Pierre-Frédéric Villard was invited to give a talk entitled “Respiration Simulation : Application in Treatment Planning, Training Simulators and On-Line Treatment” during the CIM Workshop on Mathematics and Medicine, November 6-7, 2014, Uppsala, Sweden http://www.math.uu.se/cim/seminarier-och-aktiviteter/cim-workshop-2014/ .

Other review

E Kerrien was reviewer for one COFECUB project.